

If you don't mind, please click the eggs! ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆


Fara  Pinku  Kora  Aow  Kiiro



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國際貿易流程01英文版   國際貿易流程圖02英文版  




  1. 1.  推銷、廣告
  2. 2.  詢價
  3. 3.  報價
  4. 4.  下訂單
  5. 5.  確認

  6. 6.  申請開狀
  7. 7.  開出信用狀
  8. 8.  通知信用狀
  9. 9.  洽訂艙位
  10. 10. 洽辦檢驗

  11. 11. 取得檢驗證明書
  12. 12. 洽購保險
  13. 13. 取得保險單據
  14. 14. 出貨
  15. 15. 傳送進倉訊息

  16. 16. 委託出口報關
  17. 17. 傳送出口報單

  18. 18. 派驗
  19. 19. 回應出口放行訊息
  20. 20. 裝船出口

  21. 21. 送交出口通關文件

  22. 22. 領取提單(B/L)
  23. 23. 辦理押匯
  24. 24. 墊付押匯款項
  25. 25. 寄送信用狀項下之單據

  26. 26. 償付押匯款項
  27. 27. 進口贖單
  28. 28. 取回貨運單據
  29. 29. 交還提單(B/L)
  30. 30. 換取D/O

  31. 31. 委託進口報關
  32. 32. 傳送進口報單
  33. 33. 核發稅單
  34. 34. 繳交稅款
  35. 35. 派驗

  36. 36. 回應進口放行訊息
  37. 37. 送交進口通關文件,
  38. 38. 提貨

Promotion and advertisement
Place an order

Apply to open an Letter of Credit(L/C)
Open an L/C
Advise an L/C
Book the shipping space
Process the inspection

Get/Acquire the inspection certificate
Apply the insurance policy
Obtain the insurance document
Effect Shipment
Deliver the on-board information

Assign the export customs clearance
Deliver the export customs
clearance (documents)
Process the inspection
Respond the releasing of the export customs
Loading and effect shipment

Forward the export customs
clearance documents
Acquire the Bills of lading
Apply the export negotiation
Advance payment from the export negotiation
Mailing the documents under the L/C

Reimburse the negotiation payment
Release documents against import payment
Clear the cargo receipts
Return the Bills of Lading
Change the delivery order

Assign the import customs clearance process
Deliver the import customs clearance document
Approve the duty tax
Effect payment of the duty tax
Arrange the inspection

Respond the releasing of import cargos
Forward the import customs clearance
and collect taxes
Clear the cargos






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