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英文 |
中文 |
解釋 |
backlog |
待辦事項 |
A number of jobs waiting to be done, and which are late, e.g. orders to be filled. |
B/E |
匯票 |
Abbreviation for bill of exchange. |
B/L |
提貨單 |
Abbreviation for bill of lading. |
b.c.c. |
密件副本 |
Abbreviation for blind carbon copy, used at the end of copies of a letter or in the header information of copies of an email message to indicate that they are being sent to other people without the named recipient knowing. |
and (&) Co. |
公司 |
Abbreviation for and company, used in company names. |
AR |
全險 |
Abbreviation for all risks. |
as per |
根據,按照 |
According to. |
Baltic Exchange |
波羅的海 |
An international exchange for freight and shipping, based in London. |
asset |
資產 |
Anything of value owned by a company that can be sold off. |
average adjuster |
海損理算師 |
Assessor specializing in marine insurance claims. |
advising bank |
通知銀行 |
Bank in a seller's country that advises the seller that a letter of credit has been issued in their favor, and may also guarantee it. |
agent bank |
代理銀行 |
Bank representing seller (exporter) usually in the buyer's (importer's) country. The agent bank will hand the shipping documents over to the buyer either when the buyer pays the bank in a documents against payment transaction (D/P) or when he or she 'accepts', say, a bill of exchange in a documents against acceptance (D/A) transaction. Agent banks are also used in letters of credit transactions in a similar way. |
bulk buyer |
大宗貨物 |
Business or organization that buys goods in large quantities, e.g. a supermarket chain. |
bank draft |
銀行匯票 |
Cheque that a bank draws on itself and sells to a customer. |
agency |
代理機構 |
Company that provides a service. |
bad debt |
呆帳 |
Debt that is not likely to be paid. |
balance |
收支平衡 |
Difference between the totals of money coming into anf going out of a bank account. |
advice note |
通知書 |
Document or message informing a customer that a consignment is on its way to them. |
air waybill |
空運提單 |
Document that gives information about goods sent by air, and states whether the buyer or seller is responsible for insurance. |
bank charges |
銀行手續費 |
Fees charged by a bank for handling transactions. |
bill of exchange (B/E) |
匯票 |
Method of payment where the seller prepares a bill in the buyer's name ordering them to either pay the amount when the bill is presented, or a specified number of days, e.g. thirty or sixty days, afterwards. |
bank transfer |
銀行轉帳 |
Movement of money from one bank account to another. |
box number |
郵政信箱 |
Number given in a newspaper advisement as part of the address to which replies should be sent. |
benefit payment |
福利給付 |
Payment made from a pension fund or a life assurance policy. |
agent |
代理人, |
Person or company that acts on behalf of a principal, buying or selling goods for them. |
broker |
掮客;經紀人 |
Person or organization that buys and sells goods, shares, or insurance, for others. |
assessor |
估價人 |
Person who estimates the value of damage to property for insurance purposes. |
beneficiary |
收款人, |
Person who receives money from, e.g. an insurance policy or pension scheme. |
attention line |
指名收件人 |
Phrase indicating who a letter is for, e.g. For the attention of the Managing Director. |
budget |
預算 |
Plan of income and expenditure for a particular period of time, e.g. a year. |
appendix |
附錄 |
Section of a document, e.g. a report, that contains additional information and is attached to the end. |
attachment |
附件 |
Separate document attached to an email message. Icons indicating attachments form part of the header information. |
arbitration |
調停 |
Settling a dispute by means of a third party who is independent of the other rather than by a court of law. |
bill of lading (B/L) |
提貨單 |
Shipping document that gives details of a consignment, its destination, and the consignee. It entitles the consignee to collect the goods on arrival. |
brochure |
小手冊 |
Similar to a catalogue, but usually shorter. |
blind carbon copy (b.c.c.) |
密件副本 |
Similar to carbon copy (c.c.), only there is no indication on the copy of the letter or message sent to the named recipient that copies are being sent to other people. |
blocked style |
齊頭式 |
Style of writing, e.g. an address, in which each line starts directly below the one above. |
all risks (AR) |
全險 |
Type of insurance policy that provides cover against all risks except those listed in the policy. |
building society |
房屋信貸 |
Type of organization originally set up in the UK to provide mortgages, nut now offering a wide range of services similar to those offered by commercial banks. |
account rendered |
結欠清單 |
Unpaid amount recorded in a statement of account, details of which were in a previous statement. |
as at |
截止日 |
Up to this date. |